Season 2 Episode 26

Video Games

Talking football video games; of our favourites, why we like them...and just how much of our lives we’ve wasted playing them.
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Episode Notes

When EA Sports introduced a brand new video game series called FIFA International Soccer in 1993, they released a 30 second promotion ad and crossed their fingers people would buy it.

Now, nearly 30 years later, EA’s promotional videos can be seen on the YouTube accounts of some of the world’s biggest teams, often watched by millions and millions of viewers.

October 1, the day the latest version of the game is released each year, has become as big a day as transfer deadline day or the FA Cup Final for some people.

But today we’re not just here to talk about FIFA, but all football games. Some of our favourites, why we like them...and just how much of our lives we’ve wasted playing them.

Violent FIFA

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