Season 3 Episode 34

Premier League 100 Club

Son Heung-min recently became the latest Premier League superstar to join the illustrious 'Premier League 100 Club'.
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  1. Record: the best or fastest ever done
    ”Alan Shearer holds the Premier League goalscoring record.”

  2. Illustrious: famous, well-respected, and admired
    ”Wayne Rooney had an illustrious career.”

  3. Century: a period of 100 years
    ”Pelé is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of the 20th century.”

All 100 Heung-Min Son goals in the Premier League

Top 10 Matt Le Tessier Goals

Source: Southampton FC


Tommy - 00:00:
Son Heung-min could barely hide his emotions after becoming the 34th player to score 100 Premier League goals. The Tottenham Hotspur forward joined the exclusive club with the opener in Saturday's 2-1 win over Brighton and Hove Albion. He joins an illustrious list of players in the Premier League 100 goals club, including Alan Shearer, Sergio Aguero, and Wayne Rooney, and has forever written his name into English football history.


というわけで、本日のテーマは「100ゴールクラブ」についてです。ソンの偉業をもう少し詳しく喋りますと、2015年の夏にレヴァークーゼンから、当時のアジア人移籍金記録で移籍をし、プレミア260試合目の出場、アジア人として史上初の同リーグ通算100ゴールを達成しました。BBCのインタビューで、「全てのアジア人選手、また韓国の選手たちがこの記録を見て、自分たちもできると信じてくれたらいい」と語っておりました。非常に素晴らしい記録だなと思うんですけど。この100ゴール、右足で55点、左足で41点。ヘディングは4点、そのうちPKは1ゴールだったんで、これもすごいんですけどね。昨日、100ゴールで全部見てみました。 YouTubeで。30分以上あったかなこれYouTubeでね。


Tommy - 02:27:
I wanted to ask you that, actually. As a Japanese person, do you think Son represents you?


Do you have any memorable Son’s goal?

Tommy - 03:11:
There's quite a few that stand out immediately. Against Arsenal last season, actually, two seasons ago, maybe it was? The one that he won the Puskas Award for against Burnley, where he dribbled basically from the edge of his own box and scored. Just an incredible goal. And he scored about five goals against Leicester, all, like you describe, from way outside the box, cutting in, left foot, right foot, top corner. He seems to do it against Leicester every time.


Tommy - 04:06:
Yes, we're not talking just about Son today, we're going to talk about the whole club.


Tommy - 04:12:
Vocabulary. The first word is record, the best or fastest ever done. For example, "Alan Shearer holds the Premier League goalscoring record."

レコード。記録です。トミーがはじめの文章で読んだ、He has forever written his name into English football. かっこいいですね。歴史に名を刻むってね。

Tommy - 04:31:
Yeah, we use that fairly often. You've written your name into history. Record is an interesting word, actually, because there's quite a few different meanings and also two ways you can say it.

In this context, we say record, but for example, you could record something. It's very slightly different where you record audio like we're doing right now. So, yeah, there's a few different meanings, but in this case, record means the best or the fastest of something.

The second word is illustrious. Famous, well respected, and admired. For example, "Wayne Rooney had an illustrious career."


Tommy - 05:24:
I'll spell it quickly. It's I-L-L-U-S-T-R-I-O-U-S illustrious. It sounds very impressive if you use illustrious, it sounds very high-level.

And the third word is century, a period of 100 years. For example, "Pele is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of the 20th century."


Tommy - 05:47:
Exactly, yes. It is used in sports. In football, it's used rarely because there's just not many chances to use it. You don't score a century of goals very often, but we use it in cricket a lot. It's very commonly used in cricket. It means 100 years, but we also use it for 100 of different things.

So let's jump into the top ten by goal scorers. As we've mentioned, Alan Shearer currently holds the record in the Premier League. He scored 260 goals in 441 appearances. Going down the list, Wayne Rooney, Harry Kane, Andy Cole, Sergio Aguero, Frank Lampard. Thierry Henry, Robbie Fowler, Jermaine Defoe, and Michael Owen make up the top ten.


Tommy - 06:57:
Yeah, as I said in the introduction, it's a very exclusive club. Out of 4644 players, there's only 34. That's yeah, it's a big achievement to score this many Premier League goals, no doubt.


Tommy - 07:40
Yeah, yeah, definitely. And of course, Harry Kane is currently third, he's on 206 goals. Wayne Rooney in second is 208 goals. So Harry Kane, within the next month, could move up to number two on this list.


Tommy - 07:56:
Yeah, that's right. And eventually, number one is his goal, as is often talked about in the media.


Tommy - 08:46:
I think maybe the most difficult thing about getting into this list is if you're an amazing striker, you're probably going to transfer to Europe and not have the opportunity to score.

Tomo: うん。そうだね。これから抜けない可能性あるよね。この日本でたくさんゴール決めてたらヨーロッパに行くんで、この記録を抜くってのは、なかなか難しい。日本でずっと長く活躍しないといけないってのもポイントかなと思いました。シュート数も出てたんだけどさ、これも面白かった。大久保1141本打って、16パーセントの確率でゴール決めてる。そんなに打っているんだなっていうのも思った。逆に、興梠はね、少なくて666本。大久保の半分ぐらい。半分ぐらいで164点決めてるってのも面白かった。ケーンは312試合で1155本のシュート。1試合に約3.7本打って、そのうち枠内シュートは509本。枠内に打ってる確率も非常に他の選手と比べても高かった。彼の能力を示してるな。

Tommy - 09:51:
Speaking of those sorts of stats, the top ten by ratio is another interesting way to look at this list. Before it was top ten by the number of goals, ratio obviously means how many goals per match did they score? Number one on that list is Thierry Henry, who scored at a rate of 0.68 goals per game, followed by Sergio Aguero, Harry Kane, Mohamed Salah, Alan Shearer, all very close. There's only 0.1 between each of these players at the top. Basically, it means you have to score a goal or two goals every three games I guess it is.


Tommy - 10:36:
So, amazing consistency to get into this club, basically. Also interesting to look at the players who've scored 100 goals with one club. Alan Shearer, impressively, scored 100 goals for Newcastle. He also scored 100 goals for Blackburn.

Tomo: これすごいよね。シアラー148ゴール、ニューカッスルで、逆か。112点のブラックバーンが先で、その後に148点がニューカッスルね。

Tommy - 11:01:
Yeah. So he's joined this club twice, basically, with two different clubs, which just shows how impressive it is. Harry Kane has scored 206 goals, obviously, all for Tottenham. He hasn't scored for any other teams. Wayne Rooney is the only other player - so three players to have scored 200 goals in the Premier League. So they're in the 200 club, as we'd call it. Other players are Sergio Aguero, Frank Lampard, Thierry Henry, Robbie Fowler. There's quite a lot of players who've scored 100 goals for one club.

さっきも言ったけどさ、1シーズンで20ゴール決めるって、スタープレーヤーじゃん?そのスタープレーヤーの状態を5年以上は続けないといけないってことだよね。その20得点×5シーズンをしないといけないから、その数字ってかなり難しいなと思うよね。ずっと得点王の争いに入り続けるっていう。だから、知らない名前はいないですよねここの中にね。Who? ってならないよね。

Tommy - 12:00
Yes, exactly. The other interesting thing is if you look at Robbie Fowler and Michael Owen, even Steven Gerard, you could include, they played for the same team. Liverpool scored a lot of goals, obviously, in the early 2000s or late 1990s. To have two strikers from that era on this list is very impressive.


Tommy - 12:31:
Yes, they were very good at this point, actually. They were challenging Manchester United for the league. It's a good point, though. So I calculated the teams that have been represented by players on this list. Manchester United are top of this list, they've had 11 players who've scored goals for them on this list. Liverpool 8, Chelsea 8, Tottenham 8, Manchester City 8. And then it goes, there's quite a number of clubs on this list. Most surprising - there's a few on there. QPR, Bournemouth, Wigan, Ipswich, Nottingham Forest. They've all had players. Often it's, for example, Teddy Sheringham is on this list. He started at Nottingham Forest, he scored a bunch of goals for Nottingham Forest, went to Tottenham, scored even more goals, then went to Manchester United. So you can kind of see they started at these smaller teams, but inevitably because they're so good at scoring goals, they ended up at a big team.


Tommy - 13:37:
Yep. There's one exception to that, though. A famous player called Matt Le Tissier.


Tommy - 13:44:
That's right. He's probably the most unusual player on this list, I'd say because Southampton -- not a very good team over the last 20 years or 30 years to include his time in the 90s. But he scored 100 goals for them, which is super impressive.


Tommy - 14:11:
Yeah. If you haven't seen Matt Le Tissier, he is worth watching, because not only does he score a lot of goals, most of them are beautiful goals. Just incredible, some of the goals he scored. Definitely go and watch him on YouTube.

Some other facts that I picked out of this. Alan Shearer was the first to score 100 goals, which he did in the 1995/96 season. He also scored 100 goals in the fewest matches. He scored 100 goals in 124 matches. To compare that to Harry Kane. Harry Kane scored in 141 matches. So slightly faster. Michael Owen is the youngest player to have joined this list. He joined it when he was 23 years and 133 days old, which is quite incredible.


Tommy - 15:02:
Which shows Michael Owen --he broke out when he was 17, the World Cup, 1998. But to be that consistent at that young age is just incredible.


Tommy - 15:19:
I can't remember any other player who has scored that many goals that young.

Dwight Yorke was the first non-English player. Didier Drogba was the first African player. Sergio Aguero was the first South American player. And as we said, Son is the first Asian player to join this list.


Tommy - 15:50
Interesting. I didn't notice that, actually. There's five midfielders on the list. Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard, Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, and Matt Le Tisser.


Tommy - 16:26:
Yeah, penalties are definitely a big part of this list. But there's six players who have actually done it without scoring a penalty. Sadio Mane, Peter Crouch, Emile Heskey, Les Ferdinand, Andy Cole, and Ryan Giggs have all scored more than 100 goals without including a penalty.


Tommy - 17:11:
For sure, yeah.


Tommy - 17:28:
Definitely, yeah. Well, so, kind of on that topic, who's the most surprising name on the list for you?


Tommy - 17:38:
Yeah, it's a tough question, for sure. I was surprised, actually, to see Raheem Sterling on there. He scored 113 goals, 91 for Manchester City, which yeah, I mean, it does kind of make sense, but I was still a little bit surprised. There's a few others, like Dion Dublin; I didn't realise he scored so many goals. Darren Bent is another one who scored many goals but probably wasn't appreciated as a great striker. Probably because he played for lower teams. Those are probably the ones that stick out for me as surprising.


Tommy - 18:25:
That's right. I mean, to be honest, he played in England maybe five seasons, six seasons. So if you break it down that way, it's still pretty impressive. Having said that, he scored at a rate of 0.44 goals per game. So definitely not as prolific as some of the ones at the top.


Tommy - 18:39:
Definitely, yeah. Of the players on this list, which player did you enjoy watching the most?

Tomo: この番組でずっと喋ってきてる、ピータークラウチさんですかね笑

Tommy - 19:05:
Yeah? Do you enjoy watching him?

Tommy - 19:09:
He's one that also you wouldn't think would be on this list, actually.


Tommy - 19:21:
The one that I enjoyed I think most would be Robbie Keane, who's also a scorer of beautiful goals. Not just a lot of goals, but he scored some beautiful goals. Teddy Sheringham was my first-ever favourite player when he played for Tottenham. He scored 146 goals. Outside of Tottenham players, I would probably say Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink.


he destroyed Tottenham in the early 2000s. Every single game, he would just, without question, score at least one goal. Often he -- I think he scored maybe three hat-tricks against Tottenham. Always good goals. I just have really bad memories of him, but I respected him so much because he was a striker that made you scared, and I think that's the best kind of striker.



Tommy - 20:26:
Yeah, I think it has an impact.

Do these records influence transfers? Yeah, I definitely think they do. Harry Kane wants to stay in the Premier League because he wants to break Alan Shearer's record.


Tommy - 20:45:
Yeah. And he's, what, nearly 30? He needs to play maybe four or five more seasons, scoring ten-plus goals.


Tommy - 21:04:
Yeah, it's very difficult. And as you said, injuries play a big part of this. Alan Shearer actually had two very bad knee injuries. So, realistically, he would probably have scored 300 goals without injuries. So yeah, can Harry Kane do it? But on the question, yes, I think these records do influence transfers. As another example, Jermaine Defoe, scored 162 goals in 496 appearances, but he spent time away. He went to the MLS and played for Toronto FC for a couple of seasons. Then he came back to the Premier League and scored again. Had he not had those two years away, he would definitely be higher on this list.

And also, we mentioned Ronaldo, so I think transfers do influence these records, and these records influence transfers.


Tommy - 22:05:
And it's also worth mentioning that this is just the Premier League. Football in England was around long before the Premier League. There's many other players who have scored many goals. Jimmy Greaves - one of the best strikers ever - he's not included in this list because he didn't play in the Premier League. So a lot of people get upset that this is just a Premier League list. It should include all the other strikers, in which case Harry Kane would be nowhere near the top.


Tommy - 22:41:
Yes, that's right. That's true. Yeah. I'd be curious for our younger listeners, how many of these players do you know?


Tommy - 23:00
Other players, like Les Ferdinand, Nicholas Anelkam Ian Wright. People would know Ian Wright from being a pundit, but did they know he scored 113 goals?

Tommy - 23:10
Yeah, Emile Heskey, players like that.


Tommy - 23:35:
Yeah, I'd say it's probably the most important number in English, in Western culture, for sure. 100 of anything is a big deal. If you turn 100 years old, that's amazing.100 is definitely the number that we focus on.


Tommy - 24:00
Alrighty, so we got a comment. Tomo, would you mind reading it out for us?



Tommy - 25:15:
Truth is, I've already looked at this trip, and, yeah, I'm interested! I want to go! Yeah, I think the October one would be easier for me.


Tommy - 25:34:
Yeah, that's right. That's what I looked at. I would love to visit Nagano, and, as I said on the Stadiums episode last week, you don't get chances to visit stadiums very often unless you've got your team playing there. So, yeah, this sounds like a cool idea if we can make it happen. I'm very interested.


Tommy - 25:56:
Let's make this happen!


Tommy - 26:01:
Yes, we'll be in touch. Thank you very much for the comment. Yeah, we appreciate you getting in touch. It's Wednesday today. We're two days away from our Tokyo event, so if you're listening to this on Friday and you haven't made a reservation yet, it's not too late. If you're listening to it after, say, 5:00 pm On Friday, then it is too late, sorry! If you're coming to the event, we're really excited to see you. It's going to be fun.


Tommy - 26:43:
I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a fun night in Tokyo. And yeah, we look forward to meeting everyone who can come along. Thank you very much for listening to another episode. We'll see you again next time.

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