Season 1 Episode 36

J.League with Dan Orlowitz: Part 2

Part 2 of our discussion with Japan Times writer Dan Orlowitz covers the unique fan culture of the J.League, why it's popular around Asia, and Dan's experiences as a writer and photographer in Japanese sport.
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Episode Notes

The J.League is often rated as the best league in Asia and has produced Japanese superstars like Shinji Kagawa, Shinji Okazaki, Keisuke Honda, and many more. It is renowned for its high-quality play, technically gifted players, and, as with anything Japanese, the quirky side is also picked up on a lot.

In recent years, J.League support has grown, especially outside of Japan. Areas of Asia and even Europe have caught onto the thrill that is supporting the J.League, so today we wanted to talk about why. What makes the J.League such a joy to watch?

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