Season 2 Episode 2

Transfer Deadline Day

It’s the day that sends football fans and TV stations into a frenzy. Weeks and months of speculation, all coming to a head over the course of roughly 12 hours, as clubs, players and agents try to complete deals worth millions and millions of pounds. What is deadline day, why is it so important and what are some of the big stories and deals from over the years?
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Hello. Welcome back to football in English, too. Good morning. I see you again.

おはようトミー 元気ですか?

I'm good. I'm good. Actually. Had my vaccine the other day. I don't know if you saw it.

見たよ Instagram!

やっと! So finally. Yeah. Feels good. Have you had yours?


Yeah, it's very popular. Basically, a lot of young people are desperate to get vaccinated. I was lucky. I got an appointment on the first day it was available, so. Yeah, I was very lucky.

僕は 浜松 なんですけど、なかなかね 予約できなくてまだ待ってる状態ですね。

Yeah, I've heard it's pretty difficult in Japan. Lots of young people getting frustrated and it's the same here, actually.


Yep. Yep. Let's get started.

It's the day that sends football fans and TV stations into a frenzy. Weeks and months of speculation or coming to a head over the course of roughly 12 hours as clubs, players and agents try to complete deals worth millions and millions of pounds. What is Deadline Day? Why is it so important? And what are some of the big stories and deals from over the years?


デッドラインデー、移籍最終日について話そうかな と思うんですけども 今年のプレミアリーグの移籍市場期間は約12週間。6月9日から8月31日まで。 締め切りは 現地時間で午後11時まで。

FIFAのウェブサイトのトランスファーマッチングシステムのリストを見ると、スペインとドイツとフランスもこの日が最後。時間はね それぞれちょっとずつ違う。今録っている日が8月28日なので、あと三日で大きな移籍が決まるんじゃないかな、今日はそんな話をしようかと。 そしたら ロナウドが早めにシティではなくユナイテッドに決まったね。

Yeah. There's two big deals off, Harry Kane also not moving.

Are you happy?

Yep. Very happy. He's staying at Tottenham.

なので 今年言われているのはエンバッペ。最終日に決まるんじゃないかっていう風に言われてるけれども、、、

Yeah. That sounds like the big one. I don't know if there's going to be any other really big ones, but we'll talk about some -- they don't have to be big, big players to be big deals. I'll mention that a little bit later on the show.


So the vocabulary for this week, I've picked three words. The first one: flop. A flop is someone who is expected to do well but failed.


Yep. Maybe someone who has a big money or a big, big name player. If Ronaldo gets injured. If he doesn't score many goals, then he could be a flop.

The second word is bargain. A bargain is -

バーゲン これ 日本語 でも言うね。

Yeah, you say that in Japanese, don't you? And bargain is something you get cheap or not much money, but it turns out to be very good.

わかりやすい例でいくとセルティック古橋選手。ヴィッセル神戸 から移籍。かなり活躍していて、7点ぐらい決めてるから、だいぶ安く。バーゲンで買った。その上で数年この活躍を続けてたら大きなお金になれば、バーゲンと言えるんじゃないでしょうか。

And the final word I chose for today is speculation.


So it's like rumours. Maybe you're guessing about something; you speculate. So maybe you only think 50% chance, but you still tell someone, you still put in the newspaper. That's speculation.


Yeah. I actually used it in the introduction today, too: "Weeks and months of speculation all coming to a head."

確かにね様々な憶測が。って 感じ言ってるわ。

There you go. That's speculation. That's the three words for this week.

デッドラインデー。最終日、締切日みたいな感じなんですけど トミーが簡単にどんな感じか説明してくれます。

I feel like Deadline Day used to be a big, big, really big deal in the past five years or so. It's died down a little bit. It's not so important. But I think back to, 2008-2013 at its peak. That's when it was massive. Sky Sports, particularly, they turned it into an event you couldn't miss. You just had to be in front of your TV all day watching for the news, the rumours, all of the latest negotiations. It turned a presenter called Jim White -- I'm not sure if you've ever heard of Jim White. He was just a regular on Sky Sports -- he became a celebrity. A Deadline Day celebrity. Famous because he wore his yellow tie, every year or every Deadline Day, he wore a yellow tie. So he became a massive celebrity out of this. And then Sky Sports used to put a reporter outside training ground. So Tottenham or would often have one. All the big teams, teams doing deals. And then fans seeing this on the TV would go and join to get on TV or to see the new players or whatever it was. But then when you put a bunch of young men together with cameras, often they start to play up and it got very rowdy. And then what we could only call is "the dildo instant" happened.


Yeah. I'll put it on the website today. It's ahh...I feel very sorry for the reporter because, he's doing his job. You don't want this dildo stuck in you face. It's funny, but it's not funny. But anyway, at this point, I think Sky Sports decided this is a bit too much. It's too rowdy. We need to calm things down a little bit.



Yeah. It was like the best kind of reality TV. Sports, it's real - it's actually real life. It's seeing things happen in real time. You get excited for a new player, and then it falls through. It was good, but it also it was a bit...I don't know.


This is something that's often talked about with Daniel Levy at Tottenham. Tottenham have done lots of Deadline Day deals in the past. I wonder if it's just the desperation. People think, okay, that team is going to be desperate to sell that player or they're desperate for money or whatever, so they want to take advantage of that. I'm not sure if that's part of it.

ネットで調べてたら 夏休みの最終日に宿題終わらせる感じじゃないとか。

I think there's also that!


That's right. That's the desperation. The other thing that I would say is it only takes one player to move to create the domino effect. So you move one player, then that team has to replace that player. So they buy someone from another team. That team has to replace that player, and it's just a big domino effect, as we call it.


That's right. Well, now as a domino effect you might see Juventus go and sign a striker.


8月31日は、面白くなるんじゃないかなと思うんですけど、ここ数年はあんまり盛り上がってなかったんですけど それには理由があるんですよね?

The Premier League actually changed Deadline Day from -- the 31 August is deadline Day this year -- the Premier League brought up forward to the day before the season started. So two weeks ago, basically. They did that for, I think, two or three years because they wanted to stop the speculation about their players. For example, Tottenham, we had all the Harry Kane rumours, but we played Manchester City in the first match. So that really unsettles Tottenham and that makes it difficult for Tottenham and for Harry Kane, so Harry Kane didn't play. But if the deadline they finished the day before, then you have it all sorted. There's no problem. However, because the Premier League changed it and the European leagues didn't change it, it meant that, say, Barcelona could go and buy Harry Kane, but Tottenham couldn't replace him. So it created a problem for Premier League teams. So basically they took it back and made it August 31 again. The solution here for me is, for everyone in Europe, it should be July 31 or August 1 or something like that.

確かにね。シーズン開幕して、2試合もしくは3 試合ぐらい行っている中で、移籍が決まる決まらないって不安。ケーンの件は 分かりやすかった。選手からすると不安な時期なわけで。試合に使われてない選手からすると、いい点なのかもしれない。あんまりレギュラーで使われないとわかれば移籍ができる。俺 移籍 しようかなとこの2週間で決めることができる。移籍期間を戻して、ヨーロッパは全部一緒にするってのは、いい手かも。トミーが言ったようにに7月31日にするのいいかも。だけど、早すぎるから全然決まんないんじゃないかな。

Yeah, that's what they complain about. Then you get an injury in pre-season. You lose a striker for three months and you can't buy anyone. Yeah, it really is difficult. The other thing is that it's not the same around the world. In Australia, Japan, we have different windows because the leagues are different timings. It's an interesting one. I think it's tough to get right.

ちょっと追加情報ですけど、 jリーグはトランスファーウィンドウは2021年1月8日(金) ~ 4月2日(金)と2021年7月16日(金)~ 8月13日(金)でした。あんまりjリーグはデットラインデーに移籍が決まっている印象はあまりないですね。

Right. Yeah.


Tomiyasu to Tottenham on deadline day. That's what I'm hoping for.


And I think this is going to be another domino effect where Tottenham need to sell Serge Aurier first. If Tottenham sell Serge Aurier, then they'll buy Tomiyasu.

ファンの心理としては面白いんだよね。誰が来るのか、どこへいくのか?スペキュレーション、未来への憶測ができるから。確かにねこれ 11億12億円くらいで、ファンデルファールトは安いよね。

Yeah, it's exciting. We'll talk about later, actually, social media and it we'll talk about that a bit.

But before that, let's talk about some of the biggest deadline day deals. Now, when I say biggest deals, I think people will probably think big money or someone like Ronaldo. A big name. But I think there's three categories. So 'big name'. Speaking just what happened on deadline Day, Dimitar Berbatov in 2008 went from Tottenham to Manchester United. That was a big name, he was a very big name at that time.

'Big money' was Fernando Torres, who went for £50 million from Liverpool to Chelsea. Big money, but also a big flop, as we said in the Vocab.

And then the third category, which I think is a fan, is the most important, is 'big impact'. Which, obviously you don't know at the time if they if they're going to have a big impact or not. But for me is Tottenham fan. I think Rafael van der Vaart. We signed him for only £8 million from Real Madrid and he was a superstar. Most Tottenham fans will remember him as one of the best players ever for us. He had a massive impact for us. And for me, that's probably the best deal Tottenham have ever done on transfer deadline day.


That's right. So what more exciting is probably spending a lot of money or a big name, but often, like Fernando Torres, it doesn't work that way. There's too much pressure on them. The big money doesn't always work.

他にも調べていくと、エジル、アシュリーコール、スアレス、ルーニー もそれぞれ 最終日に決まってるから。やっぱ 決まるんだなって思う。 エンバッペ、レアルあるなって思うよね。

That will be big money and big name.

一人、言わないといけない人物がいるんですけど。どこからこの移籍の情報が最近入ってくるかって言うと、イタリア人のある男がおりまして。 ファブリツィオロマーノ っていう人物。彼の情報がほぼ合ってる。公式リリースが出る前にジャーナリストである彼のTwitterから流れてくる。大型移籍のニュースのリソースは、ほぼファブリツィオロマーノから来てるんじゃないかと。

今日もね 日本語のニュース見てたんですけど、ニュースを読んでいくとファブリツィオ ロマーノ 記者によれば。ってなっている。日本のニュースは彼頼み。

He's really interesting, this guy, because there's no way that he can be involved in all of these deals. He's become a brand. He's become like his own little --

ブランドなってるよ 本当。

Yeah, that's right. But there's no way he knows all about this. So I think he's like collecting information and putting it together in a way for fans that it's easy to go and find it, which is great. It's a good service, I would say. But it's strange because I don't think it's his information, which I think is important as a journalist.

どんな人物か言うと、大体いつもミラノのホテルにいる。ジャーナリスト、スカイスポーツで働いていて、サッカーの移籍を専門に扱っている。Twitter のフォローは昨日で10万人ぐらい増えて470万。4.7million. サッカー選手を余裕で超えている。なぜ、そこまですごいのか?それは情報が信頼を置かれている。大体、情報が合っていると言われている。

彼がTwitter でいう一つの言葉が Here we go という言葉。

Here we go!

今まさに事が起きてますって。ブランドになっていて面白いよね。彼が発信するツイートがはすぐに、何千、何万ってすぐにリツイートされていく。Bleacher Reportっていうアメリカのサイトで紹介されていて、リンクで貼っとくので、彼の仕事ぶりを記事とビデオで見て欲しい。

やっぱり エージェント、クラブのスポーツダイレクターに直接 WhatsApp で連絡していて、どうなってる?みたいなやりとりはしている。

Yeah, this is what I said before. I think he collects information from everywhere. It's not his information. It's interesting. He's become a really big deal and even clubs now use "Here we go." I think it was Valencia maybe I saw a video from, where he announced it for the team. He was in the club's video. Or maybe it's Sevilla. Someone like that in Spain. It was very strange.


He looks older! He doesn't look 27!

日本でね カルチョメルカート劇場っていう本が売れてるんだけど、ジャンルカ ディマルツィオという方の本。イタリアの代理人の裏社会を書いたみたいな本があって、その人の弟子。そこで仕事を学んだ。スカイスポーツで情報をどう集めていけばいいかと学び、それが今信頼を置かれています。皆さんもツイッターでフォローしてみてください。(@FabrizioRomano)

So we received another couple of comments this week. Thank you very much for getting in touch! They actually came in in English, so I'll read them. The first one from someone called Fumi:

"Hi, I'm Fumi. I'm currently living in Australia, playing soccer in Queensland for a QPL1 club, which is equivalent to NPL2 in New South Wales. I think basically this is like second division, third division. Still very good. I go to University in the Gold Coast. I'm really enjoying listening to this podcast since I found it. My favourite routine is to listen to the podcast after soccer training on the way home in my car.


Thank you very much!


Living on Gold Coast too. Or Queensland, which is cool. I don't know if you know Queensland. It's about 2 hours by plane from where I live in Melbourne. Queensland, currently no lockdown, so they're able to play football and do things, which is good. So I'm very jealous of you Fumi.

嬉しいですね 大学も行きつつプレイしてるって事なので、頑張ってほしいなと思います!

I think there's many people doing this around the world, but to be in Australia, to be anywhere other than your home country during the pandemic must be very difficult. So good on you for sticking it out. And maybe one day we can meet in Queensland.

楽しみですね トミー 是非ともオーストラリアで会ってください。サッカー選手、ヨーロッパにいるサッカー選手たちも車で聴いてくれていて、一緒の聞き方してくれてるので、嬉しいですね。

It sounds like a popular way. That's cool.

We got another comment. Another one in English, too:

"I'm a listener learning both Japanese and English, and I'm also a Tottenham fan like Tommy." I'm very, very happy to hear this! "So it's lucky for me to find such a useful and interesting podcast. I'm wondering if you play Fantasy Premier League this season. If you do, can I join your podcast league?"


Actually, so the League we started last season, it's still there. It's continued. I renewed it, so I invited. I think Edaさん. I'm not sure. He says he's learning both Japanese and English, which is interesting. So I wonder what his native language is? I shared the link with him. If you're interested in doing the Premier League Fantasy Premier League, let me know on Twitter. Send us an email. I'll share the link with you or I'll put it in the notes actually.


Yeah, it's tough to keep it going, so thank you very much. Thanks for those comments. It's great to hear from you both. Please keep the comments coming. We love to hear from you.


I would say if you're worried about English, don't worry. We've got some other comments from people in English who are still learning. It's great. Even if you just try with your English, it's still good. Don't be afraid. Send in your comments and your feedback.

間違ってても全然いいと思います 英語で送ってみようかなって思うと、一つ学べると思うので、是非とも挑戦し見てほしいなと思います。

Before we go, from last week, we've actually started putting the transcript of the podcast so you can actually see our words. You can read them. You can read exactly what we say in English and Japanese. So go and have a look. It's a great way to not just understand what I'm speaking about, but learn some more English.

今週からウェブサイトで文字起こしを始めました。先週からだね。トミーが言った英語がもうちょっと聞き取りたいなっていう声がありましたので、文字起こしをして英語を文字で見れるようになりました。リスニングする時にかなり役立つんじゃないかな っていう風に思います。文字起こしすると、自分の日本語がちょっと いやになるけれど、丁寧に喋れるように頑張ります

Well, thank you again for listening. As always. Enjoy transfer deadline down Monday. Let's see. Maybe there's some big deals to happen, and we'll talk to you again next week. Thank you very much.

移籍最終日は2日後です。楽しみましょう。また来週です。Bye for now!

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Jim White's Highlights

Source: Sky Sports

The Dildo Incident

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