Season 3 Episode 31


On this episode, we explore injuries and how they can have a devastating effect on players and teams.
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Episode Notes

Injuries are an inevitable part of any sport and something that every athlete will experience in their career. They can have devastating effects on both individual players and entire teams, leading to lost games, missed opportunities, and potentially even the end of a career. In this episode, we'll dive into the world of injuries, their causes, prevention strategies, treatments and the effects they have on players and teams.

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Tommy - 00:00
Injuries are an inevitable part of any sport and something that every athlete will experience in their career. They can have a devastating effect on both individual players and entire teams, leading to lost games, missed opportunities, and potentially even the end of a career. In this episode, we'll dive into the world of injuries, their causes, prevention strategies, treatments, and the effects they have on players and teams.


というわけで本日は怪我についてです。先ほども言ったんですけども、サッカー選手にとって怪我は避けられないものであり、小さな怪我から長期離脱する大きな怪我まで、ほとんどのサッカー選手が直面しないといけない状況であります。 怪我をしないっていうことは、長くプレーするためにとっても必要なことでロナウドとかね、長い怪我で離脱してるの見たことないし。素晴らしい選手にとっては、キャリアを築く上で重要なことかなと。逆に、怪我をしてしまうとメンタルがやられてしまうしきつくなる状況に選手は向き合わないといけなくて。長期離脱、手術とか、逆境をどう乗り越えていくかってのは何かファンの心をくすぐる、熱くさせてくれる。リハビリのシーンとかは、メディアにはあんまり表には出てこない部分だけど、選手、クラブ、あとは代表チームにとって非常に重要な部分です。今日は怪我について喋ってみましょう。

I’ve got one question. When you were playing football, did you know much about injuries?

Tommy - 01:56
It's a good question, it depends on what you mean about did I know much. Probably not. I don't think -- when I was younger, I don't think it was that important. One thing that I do remember when I was playing football at high school, the first time we got a physio, and that was like, oh, man, we've got a physio. This is kind of important now it feels almost professional. Just having someone there to do, for example, strapping your ankles before a match. I would do that every match. Have a professional will do that for you. For treatment, if you go down with injuries. Yeah. Just having that person caring was a big thing, but I don't think I knew much about them.


Tommy - 03:05
Yeah. So we will skip the vocab for this week because I think there's enough words in here that you wouldn't normally hear. Parts of the body, names of injuries. So as we go through these, I might ask Tomo to say them in Japanese as well. So you can pick up, hopefully, some really useful English, because this is stuff that you will hear in the context of football a lot.


Tommy - 03:28
Yeah. So there's a couple of categories of injury. Acute, which means 'to happen suddenly.' And chronic, which means 'to happen gradually over time.'

Acuteが急性ですね、いきなり怪我をすること。 Chronicの方が慢性、長く痛みを抱く。

Tommy - 03:47
And you can also categorise injuries into contact versus non-contact injuries. So contact, meaning a tackle or something like that. A non-contact injury, meaning you were running and maybe you did something. There's a common football cliche that is used by commentators. When you see a player go down injured with no one around them, they say, 'oh, that's a very bad sign.' Usually, non-contact injuries are kind of seen as possibly worse because it's going to be a muscle or a ligament or something like that.

サッカーの試合を見てると、相手選手とコンタクトがない状態で1人で倒れ込んでいる選手がいる場合に、あぁ大丈夫かなって長引きそうだなって心配になるっていうのがよくサッカーで言われてることで。本人もねそれがわかってる場合が多いから、結構つらい顔してるのも、見てるのがしんどいなって思う。本人もしんどいんだろうなっていうふうに思うことありますよね。 日本サッカー協会のページでね、怪我は外傷と障害の二つに分類されてて、外傷ってのは一度に外から大きな力が加わって生じた怪我。骨折、捻挫、打撲肉離れ。障害ってのは軽い力が外から持続的に同じ部位にかかり生じた怪我。疲労骨折とか、関節炎、腱の炎症ですね。さっきのだと急性が外傷、障害が慢性にあたります。

Tommy - 05:13
Yeah and I think often if you have a contact injury, we also say in English, "you could run that off", meaning it might be hurting right now, but if you keep playing, if you keep running, then you're not going to feel that pain anymore. So we say "run the injury off", and that's only really possible with a contact injury.

それ思い出したわDead legとか言う。日本語はね、あれ難しいよね。トンコとか、モモカンとか言うかな。いろんな言い方があるね。

Tommy - 05:42
A dead leg is a great example of an injury, a contact injury that you can run off. Yeah, very good example. There's also some common football injury categories, we will break them down a little bit. The first is a fracture, which means to break a bone, basically.


Tommy - 06:00
Fracture is kind of the medical term. So in daily conversation, you'd probably say, "I broke my arm." "I broke my leg," something like that.

これも今回思ったんだけど、普段の喋ってる言葉、Sponken languageだと結構簡単な言い方なんだけど、例えばfractureは、あまり普段は使わない。2通りの言い方があるので難しいかなと思いましたね。

Tommy - 06:24
That's right. A lot of medical terms are like that, aren't they? The most common fractures or broken bones would be, obviously for football, broken legs, ankles, and bones in the feet.

Tommy - 06:34
I have a question for you, actually, at this point. Do you know which bone David Beckham made famous in 2001?


Tommy - 06:42
Yeah, there's a bone in your foot, a very small bone on the top, called the metatarsal. So in the lead-up to the 2002 World Cup, David Beckham, an opposition player stepped on the top of his foot and broke this bone. And so the whole of England was, will David Beckham be fit for the World Cup or not?

あったあった、酸素カプセルに入ったやつでしょ? Oxgen capsuleに入って治しましたみたいな話で有名になった。

Tommy - 07:09
"Yeah, so that was a broken bone in his foot, and that was called the metatarsal. I'd never heard of that bone before, but I'll never forget it thanks to David Beckham and his injury.


Tommy - 07:29
That's right. Yeah, exactly.

Tommy - 07:32
Another category would be a sprain. A sprain is a stretch or a tear of ligaments. Ligaments, to explain that first, are tissue that connects bones together.

Ligament は靭帯です。靭帯ってのは骨と骨を繋げてくれる組織。今日ね、結構出てきますね、Ligamentって言葉。

Tommy - 07:52
So a sprain is when you stretch that ligament or you tear it completely. Obviously tearing it completely is one of the worst injuries you could do. Most common in football are ankle and knee sprains.

うん。なので足首と膝にある靭帯を損傷、Tears of ligament。ティアーズはこのとき、損傷となります。

Tommy - 08:16
So those ligaments in your ankle and your knee obviously connect the bones from your thigh to your shin and then from your shin to your foot. There's another category called strain. Now, these words are very similar, sprain and strain. Just to make it extra confusing for you. A strain is a twist, pull or a tear of a muscle or tendon. We're getting deep into some very technical, weedy terms here, so it might be hard to follow.

Tommy - 08:46
A sprain is on a ligament. A strain is on a muscle or tendon. What would be a tendon in Japanese?


Tommy - 09:12
Yeah. So sprain is S-P-R-A-I-N. Strain is S-T-R-A-I-N. So yeah, it can be very confusing. The most common strain would be a calf, hamstring or groin strain.

コモンなのは、ふくらはぎ、ハムストリング、あと股関節のところをStrain. 痛めるという感じになります。

Tommy - 09:36
And yeah, a hamstring strain is one that you often see in football. But the grade is important, we say the grade of the strain. So a minor strain to a full tear of a muscle.

Tearってさっき使ったんだけど、これ3段階で筋肉が裂けるって意味がある。3段階あります。よく言う肉離れは、I pulled my muscle. 筋肉を無理に伸ばして痛める。一番カジュアルな言い方です。2個目が無理にさっきのpullの医学用語=strain。 無理に伸ばしたり使いすぎて筋肉を痛める。もう1段階上は、tear。筋肉が切れたり避けたりすること。過去分詞は、I have torn a ligament. 靭帯を切ったみたいな感じありますね。

最近の日本でニュースになってるのは、冨安の怪我の話が結構出てきています。今回は膝の手術というわけなんですけども、彼を苦しめてるのはね、筋肉系。ハムストリングとふくらはぎの故障が多くて、インジュリーヒストリーが見れまして、最近は膝の手術をしたので12試合離脱。シーズン終わりまで出れないです。前回のはCalf Injury=ふくらはぎですね。その前は膝を痛めてました。ボローニャ時代に結構やってるんですね。この筋肉系のプログラム。Muscular problem,Calf injury, hamstring inury。怪我と言っても、いろいろな箇所を怪我している。英語でどうやって言うんだろうってのはね、僕も気になったので今回調べていて、とても勉強なりましたね。

Tommy - 11:17
The one thing looking at Tomiyasu's injury record, and this is true of every player, of every injury, they're all connected. If you get injured once, there's a high chance that you're going to injure the same part again or it's going to turn into another injury. Injuries can be really devastating to a player's career and Tomiyasu is a little bit at risk at the moment, based on that record.


Tommy - 11:52
That's right. Yes, definitely. A couple of other categories of injuries. There's 'tendonitis', which is the inflammation of a tendon. Basically, when a tendon swells up, when it gets a bit bigger due to some sort of aggravation, we'd say it's kind of like you annoyed that tendon. Most common and well-known would be the Achilles tendon. And you can have Achilles tendonitis, which is basically your Achilles tendon just hurts a lot. It feels really hot and just painful when you move.

アキレス腱です。さっき出てきたtendon。いつもサッカーの英語の教科書を使ってるんだけど、怪我のところで、このTendonの例が出てくる。2002年日韓ワールドカップでスペイン代表のカニサレスがホテルでアキレス腱を怪我したんだけど覚えてる? アフターシェービングのボトルを落として、その破片が右足のアキレス腱に当たり、試合の数週間前に損傷して。そこからカニサレスから、カシージャスに変わったんじゃないかな。そんなことあるんだっていうのをね思い出しましたね。

Tommy - 12:59
Yeah. And the Achilles tendon is another one of those. If you tear that completely, it's, one, extremely painful, but two, it can have really bad effects on the rest of your career, because all of the power in your leg when you're running, it comes from your Achilles tendon basically. You put so much strain on that when you run, so it can be a really bad injury to do.

Another one that is common for footballers and runners, definitely, is shin splints, which is basically a pain in your shins when you run.


Tommy - 13:41
Yeah, another difficult one to say, shin splint.

So, not surprisingly, our focus here is on lower body injuries, because obviously in football, you're using your legs more than anything. So that's where most of the injuries occur. But there's definitely, obviously, other injuries you can do. For example, dislocating a shoulder if you fall from a big height.


Tommy - 14:05
Wrist and finger injuries, especially for goalkeepers. And of course, as we've spoken about on this podcast before, the modern-day knowledge of risks of concussion and we're learning a lot about that every day, it seems at the moment.


Tommy - 14:25
That's something that's really becoming a big thing in all sports as well. Concussion. Just a very big topic.


Tommy - 15:10
Yeah, we should definitely talk about this because this has the potential to be the biggest change in football ever. If you removed heading from football, the game changes completely. It becomes a totally different type of game, I think. So super interesting how that develops. Yeah, we should talk about it.


Tommy - 15:36
Talking about injury prevention a little bit, how to prevent injuries is obviously something that all players do, all teams do. Recently we've seen COVID have an effect with bringing in five subs. That was a big thing to alleviate the amount of games that players were playing in a short space of time. But there's still a problem with too much football, surely. It's just crazy the amount of football these players are playing. The World Cup in the middle of the season. Yeah, that was fun, but I hope we never see it again because I think footballers need more of a rest.

今喋っているのは、Prevention= 予防についてなんですけど。よく言われるのは過密日程、代表戦で長期移動。短縮されてるオフシーズン。FIFProっていうところがありまして、国際プロサッカー選手協会がかなり抗議をしていて、選手たちの体だけじゃなくて、メンタルの健康のためにも、4週間以上にわたるオフシーズンが必要と。シーズン中には2週間の休養期間を設けることを推奨している。さらに議論になってるのはバーンアウト、燃え尽き症候群のリスクも高まる。ワールドカップがあって、シーズンが今続いてるんだけど、メンタル的にもきつい選手はいるんじゃないかっていうのも警告は出ています

Tommy - 16:57
Yeah, it seems very simple to just give players a proper holiday. I think that's the least we can do for them. We could probably do a whole episode on the prevention of injuries. And in fact, I think maybe this is a good topic to talk about with your friend Kitani-san. I think he would maybe have some good insights on injury prevention, because there's going to be so many different things you can do, obviously. Warming up properly sleeping properly, eating properly. All of these things definitely have an effect on injuries, too.



Tommy - 18:29
And interesting that the Premier League suffers the most injuries. You'd probably need to compare over a period of time, but I wonder if perhaps that's as a result of the Premier League, famously, not having a break over Christmas. Germany and other places do. So that'd be interesting to see if that had an effect on injuries at all.

Tommy - 18:51
Let's jump into the injury that all footballers fear, which is the ACL tear. ACL means anterior cruciate ligament, which in Japanese would be...?


Tommy - 19:06
Yeah, that's very long! We also have a posterior cruciate ligament, so anterior and posterior, which basically relate to the position on the knee.


Tommy - 20:11
That's right. Yes. It is definitely, probably the most dangerous injury, I would say, for a player's career.

Tommy - 20:19
The bone structure inside the knee is made up of three parts. It's called, in English, the femur, the tibia, and the patella.

Femur, tibia, patella。大腿骨、脛骨、膝骸骨(しつがいこつ)。膝のお皿=パテッラ。

Tommy - 20:34
And then these two ligaments, the cruciate ligaments, form a cross in the knee. It looks like an X. And they connect the tibia bone to the femur bone, which is basically connecting your shin to your thigh.


Tommy - 21:00
As you said, for a complete tear, surgery is often required. In English, we call this a knee reconstruction. Construction means to build something, and re is a prefix, which means to redo something, to do it again. So basically this means to rebuild your knee. That's what's required after a tear of an ACL. In the past, one knee reconstruction usually puts you at a high risk of it happening again. These days, the surgery may be a little bit less risky, I guess. Look, we should also say we're not doctors, we're not physios, so don't take any of this as 100% certain. This is just from our research. But apparently these days it's a little bit less risky. If you have one you can recover better than in the past, but they can still be definitely career-threatening. There's players that don't come back from these injuries for sure, or they happen again and again. And two or three of these and you probably have to retire.


Tommy - 22:17
That's right, yeah. There's a lot of evidence. There's been a lot of women footballers over the past twelve months who have got ACL injuries. It's still being researched a lot. There's evidence that a woman's menstrual cycle might play a part in how the body kind of reacts and that it might become weaker in certain points, things like that, but there's still not enough research done yet, so I think over the next ten years, this will be a really important part of women's football.


Tommy - 23:28
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. I mean, this is, as we said, it's the injury that all players fear. So, for women, it must be particularly scary. For professional footballers, because this can have, as we say, a devastating effect on your career.





Tommy - 25:28
Yeah, well, so on the back of that: Tomo, have you ever been injured?


How about you?

Tommy - 25:47
At high school, I had a weird knee injury. I hurt my knee at training one day, and then the next day at school, I was just walking up some stairs and I felt a little click in my knee and I couldn't walk, and it really hurt. And then I sat down and suddenly my knee was like three times the size of what it was just five minutes ago. It was crazy. It just got so big. And I was in school, I was in class and everyone's like, what the hell is going on? I went to the doctor, and he put a needle in, pulled out the needle, and it was blood. My knee filled up with blood somehow. I still don't quite know what happened. I thought at the time, I was worried it might be an ACL injury, but thankfully it was just a minor strain of some ligament. I forget exactly. But going back to -- we talked about Achilles tendonitis earlier. I had that last year. I run a lot. I run like three or four times a week, and I love running so much. And Achilles tendonitis is just from using that part too much, so I was running too much and the only option is to rest.

Tommy - 26:51
Footballers often talk about how frustrating injuries are, and I'm not a pro athlete by any means, but I love running. Getting out on a beautiful day like it is today, it's 24 degrees. Getting out there and run, if you've got an injury stopping you from doing that, it's so frustrating. And I really understand that now. I guess also, as you get older, you really appreciate your health and your fitness even more. So I totally understand that frustration. However, footballers and other athletes also have the scary thing: this is your career and this injury could finish your career. That is a super scary thing, I think, for an athlete.

サッカーの選手だけじゃなくて、普通の人も怪我を患っている人がいて、僕の友人がね、ヘルニアになったんだって。それで背中がずっと痛くて生活に困るぐらいで手術をするかどうかですごく悩んでて。この痛みとか手術を乗り越えて、もう1回サッカーのピッチに戻っていく選手たちのことをすごいリスペクトしている。これを乗り越えてもう1回ピッチに戻るんだ。サッカー選手がサッカーできなくなるから絶望を味わって自分のキャリアも終わってしまうんじゃないかって不安の中から完全復活していくっていう姿、はい上がっていく戻ってくる姿に自分は感動を覚えると言っていて。応援してみようかなっていうふうな気持ちになる。本当にあるかなというふうに思うし、中村憲剛が最後のシーズン、怪我をしてもう終わってもいいのに、もう1回怪我から立ち直って優勝まで持ってきた場面も感動的だったなってふうには思う。 なんかね僕もロベルトバッジョに対しそれすごい思ったね。また帰ってきてやってるっていうのは思ったんで、なんかそんな選手の姿は多くの人に伝えれる何かあるんじゃないかな。

Tommy - 28:43 Yeah. So there's obviously the actual physical part of an injury, but the mental part can also be extremely challenging.


Tommy - 28:58
So I was just talking about how I love running and that today is a beautiful day. After this, I'm going to go for a run and now I'm scared! I don't want to get injured! I have to properly warm up.


Tommy - 29:15
Absolutely, yeah. And as I say, as you get older and you appreciate your health and your fitness. It's just even more scary, I feel. When you're younger, you don't care, right? When you're in your early 20s yeah, no problem. I'll be fine. But as you get into your 30s and closer to 40s and I'm sure older than that, yeah, it becomes a pretty important part of your life, that fitness.


Tommy - 29:51
We got a comment a couple of weeks ago, actually, so I thought we'd take the chance to read it today. It comes from Franca:

Tommy - 29:58
Hi, Tomo. Hi, Tommy. I enjoyed your fan culture episode. I don't consider myself as a fan of any particular club, but I tend to root for struggling teams. For example, Everton, Leeds United, Shalke etc. I think the Japanese term for this would be 'Hoganbi-iki'. About footballers not being super interested in watching games, I would like to recommend you a book based on interviews with Shunsuke Nakamura. The original title is "中村俊輔流サッカー観戦術". In it, he says he loves to watch Barcelona games. I think you would find this book interesting. If you've already read it, I'd love to know what you think. Franca.

Tommy - 30:35
Thank you very much for the comment! I haven't read that book. I can't read the title, even! Kanji! Tomo, have you read that book?


Tommy - 31:09
And on the fan culture part: I've been watching on Netflix, it's called Break Point. It's a tennis show, recently, and it kind of opened, thinking about what I said on the fan culture episode about "I'm a fan of a team, not of a player." Watching tennis has given me a kind of different perspective because obviously, that's very individual, so I imagine someone who likes one player would probably be like a tennis fan or something like that.


Tommy - 31:41
There you go.


Tommy - 31:44
Whereas I don't care about who plays, who wins. I love watching tennis, but I just watch it for the match. I don't really have any care for it, so maybe that's just my personality, that I like team stuff rather than individuals.


Tommy - 32:20
Just culturally, yeah, people have different things that they like, so that's cool. So thank you very much, Franca, we appreciate that comment, and I appreciate she sent that in -- I believe Franca is a she, apologies if you're a he -- sent that message in about ten times because, as I said last week, I broke the website. So thank you. Thank you for your persistence in sending us the message. I appreciate it.


Tommy - 32:45
Yeah, I'd love to know. Franca, send us a message. Where are you from? We'd love to hear about your story.


Tommy - 32:56
Cool, alrighty, well, thank you very much for listening. Injuries! Yeah, super, super interesting topic. Super kind of sad topic as well, at times. So let us know your comments, thoughts, questions, any injuries you've had, any experiences you can share. We'd love to hear from you, and we'll read some out next week. Thank you very much.

皆様からのお便りお待ちしております。怪我についてだったんですけども、悲しいトーンではなくて、明るいトーンで喋ってみました。皆様のけがの体験、乗り越えた経験なども送ってみてください。サッカーと英語、ポッドキャストと調べていただいて、各回の放送の下の方にコメント欄ありますので、そちらからお便りなどお待ちしております。それでまた来週です。Bye for now.

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