Season 3 Episode 4

Team Names

United's, City's, a Hotspur and a Villa. What is the meaning of all of these team names, and where did they come from?
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Episode Notes

There’s United’s and City’s all over the world. There’s some Wanderers and some Rovers too. Then there’s a Hotspur, a Villa and even a team named after a day of the week. So what is the meaning of all of these team names, and where did they come from?


  • Origin: the beginning or cause of something.
    ”Many football clubs originated from local cricket clubs.”

  • Suffix: a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word
    For example, success becomes successful. -ful is a suffix.

  • Crest: a formal design that is used by a family, town, organization, etc. as the symbol that represents them

A Family Crest

Tottenham Hotspur

Royal Arsenal Woolwich

Crystal Palace

Sheffield Wednesday

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