Season 4 Episode 30

Charity Matches

Football has the power to do amazing good in the world, and millions and millions of dollars can be raised to help people in need.
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Episode Notes

Football has the power to do amazing good in the world. One example of that is charity matches. By bringing footballers and celebrities together for a simple game of football, millions and millions of dollars can be raised to help people in need. On this episode, we’re going to talk about some of those matches and the impact they have.


  1. Fundraising: the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity
    ”The charity match was a successful fundraising venture”
  2. Beneficiary: a person or group who receives money, advantages
    ”A local hospital was the beneficiary of the charity match.”
  3. Donate: to give money or goods to help a person or organisation
    ”Both players and spectators were moved by the cause and eager to donate their time and money.”

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