Season 5 Episode 6

UEFA's new Formats

The 2024/25 Champions League kicked off this week, and it’s the first season of a brand new format.
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Episode Notes

The 2024/25 Champions League kicked off this week, and it’s the first season of a brand new format. 36 teams playing in a League system, with each team playing against 8 different opponents. Is this an exciting change to the most prestigious club competition in the world, or just another case of trying to fix something that didn’t need to be fixed?


  1. Tweak: to change something slightly, especially in order to make it more correct, effective, or suitable
    ”The manager likes to tweak her team each week depending on the opposition.”
  2. Jeopardy: in danger of being damaged or destroyed
    ”UEFA would like more jeopardy for teams involved in their competitions.”
  3. Dead Rubber: in sport, a game whose result has no importance because it will not change the situation of either team or player
    “With both teams already eliminated, their final group match was a dead rubber.”

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