Season 2 Episode 33

Hillsborough: Part One

On April 15, 1989, tens of thousands of people set off to Hillsborough, Sheffield, to watch their team compete in an FA Cup Semi Final. 96 of those people never came home.
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Episode Notes

On April 15, 1989, tens of thousands of people set off to Hillsborough, Sheffield, to watch their team compete in an FA Cup Semi Final. 96 of those people never came home.

What happened that day remains the UK’s worst ever sporting disaster. It changed English football forever, from the match day culture, to stadium designs and police operations. Even now, some 33 years later, football fans are still shaken by what happened.

This episode will be about Hillsborough: the Disaster. What happened that day and why. But the story of Hillsborough, the victims and their families was not limited to that day. For every year since, they have been battling the media, politicians, police and other institutions who have lied and covered up what actually happened that day. Our next episode will be dedicated to the struggle to find the truth.

What happened at Hillsborough?

Source: BBC News

Hillsborough: anatomy of a disaster

Source: The Guardian

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