Season 3 Episode 32

Pet Peeves

Is there something about football that annoys you? On this episode, Tomo and Tommy vent about some of their footballing pet peeves.
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JFA Courage For Dream


Tommy: 00:03
Hello and welcome to another episode of Football & English. This week, we're taking on a bit of a lighter topic where we get to complain about some of our pet peeves. Hello, Tomo.


Tommy: 00:15
Yes, I'm good. I'm good. We're having a little bit of a vent today, we would say. Kind of complaining about things that we don't like.


Tommy: 00:30
It's not just about complaining. I didn't want to do this episode just to complain, but I think it's a really useful term that we use quite a lot in English, pet peeve, so I thought it'd be a good way to introduce that. The definition of a pet peeve is "something that especially annoys you."


Tommy: 01:01
Yeah. And for me, it means something small, something that doesn't really matter. It's not very important, but it annoys you. So we're going to talk about some of those about football today. And I've chosen three, Tomo's chosen three and we haven't actually shared these with each other, so for the first time, we don't have a script. We don't know what each other is going to say. So it's going to be interesting.


Tommy: 02:02
That's right. So that's a great example, because, really, it doesn't change much, but it's still very annoying to people, to me included. Or waving imaginary cards to get a player booked or sent off. You see that a lot, and a lot of people complain about that.


Tommy: 02:28
My first pet peeve is kids with signs saying 'give me your shirt.'


Tommy: 02:38
Yeah, this is pretty recent. I'd say in the last maybe -- maybe, was it before COVID, I guess? Just before? 2018, 2019, you started seeing this and it's kind of evolving into kids actually running onto the pitch to try and get the shirt, like literally trying to steal it from a player. So this one annoys me quite a bit, actually, because yeah. I don't know, it's strange.


Tommy: 03:10
Exactly. That's right. Obviously, the dad usually, has gone and written the sign. It just seems a little bit desperate to me. I don't know, I'd be curious to see if anyone agrees with our pet peeves today.


Tommy: 03:47
Yeah. That's a good example, though, of another pet peeve that I didn't think about is yeah, every single game, Japanese teams go around the pitch. That's another pet peeve that I didn't have on my list.


Tommy: 04:16
I feel like we've chosen three pet peeves, but as we talk, we're probably going to find out a lot more as well, because there's two of my pet peeves that have come out.


Tommy: 04:25
Yeah. Okay, what's your first one?

僕の1個目は、日本代表vsウルグアイを国立まで見に行ったんだけど、今回も感じたんだけどね、やっぱり横パスと後ろへのパスが多いときに、前行け~みたいな。Pass forwardみたいな感じで口に出して言ってますので、これはイライラしてるんですね。試合前、この間も花火が上がって、音楽も良かったし、よし行くぞ~って感じになるんだけど、そこからいきなりトーンダウンしていく感じ。落ち着いて試合に入ることは、良いこと。ポゼッションしたいっていう気持ちもあるだろう。試合を支配して、自分たちが思うように試合を進めていくんだっていう思いはあるんだけど、それにしても。。。普通にサッカー見に来た人も、なんか横パス多いとゆっくりした展開になっていく。Jリーグでも多くてね。


Tommy: 05:52
The J.League, maybe not so much. I mean Cerezo, actually. Yes. Lately, Cerezo has been really, really bad with possession. Just always passing back to the keeper, who then just kicks it away. He often just gives it back to the other team, so it definitely annoys me. For the national team, thinking about Uruguay and Colombia last night. The Columbia game started really well. They scored in the second minute. It was really exciting. But then it calms down. I feel like sometimes they forget that it's entertainment, especially in a friendly. Okay, yeah, I understand you need to prepare for the next World Cup qualifiers, but more than that, you should be trying to entertain people, I think, in friendlies.


Tommy: 06:39


Tommy: 06:56
So maybe they have -- the Japanese players coming back to Japan, they get more pressure, more criticism, which is why they revert back to a J.League-style match, maybe.


Tommy: 07:33
My second one is players wearing t-shirts in the warm-up for an injured player. Have you seen this? I'm sure you have. A player on your team is injured, and then all of the other players in the warm-up wear a 'get well soon' kind of t-shirt. This one really annoys me because it's like this isn't someone who died. He's just injured. Like it's part of your job, really.

I don't know why, but this really annoys me, actually, because it's just it's a) such a waste of a t-shirt and printing and all those costs. It just really gets on my nerves, this one.


Tommy: 08:17
If I was injured, I would kind of be embarrassed, I think. 'I only broke my ankle. I'm going to come back in four weeks. It's not the end of the world.' I don't know, it just seems kind of over the top.


Tommy: 08:42
Yes, but talk about it in an interview after the match, before the match. 'Yeah, we're thinking about this player. We hope he gets well soon', but to actively go and print a t-shirt and then wear it in the warm-up, seems just too much for me.


Tommy: 09:03
And of course, we saw it, we've spoken about it on our -- was it the Feuds episode, I think, with Suarez, where they're wearing the t-shirts to support Suarez when he said something racist. So yeah, it's not great territory for a football team to be in, I don't think.


Tommy: 09:26
Yes, this one, definitely. It won't stop. What about you? Your second one.


Tommy: 09:37
Interesting one.



選手としての才能すごいある人だなと思う。去年、ジュビロ見に行って、やっぱり目が行くよね、杉本健勇に。目立つし、フォワードとしてエゴもある。ちょっとねクリスティアーノ・ロナウドのようなナルシズムというか、かっこつけたい感じも入ってる。 だから、みんないじりたい、批判したい。クリスチアーノロナウド、やっぱり注目される。けど、彼は結果を出してきたから叩かれないのかなっていうふうには思う。いろいろと思うことはあって、一つあるとしたら、必死さがあんまりない。例えばね、ファールされたらずっと審判に文句言ってて、次のプレーに行かないとか。行けるところで、ヘディングは多分好きじゃないと思うんだけど、ヘディングもガンといかないから、何で行かないんだみたいな。


Tommy: 11:51
This is a good one, actually, because Kenyu is someone that I hold kind of close in my memory, you know, Cerezo 2017, he was amazing. He scored the goal in the Cup Final. He was amazing that season. I actually have Kenyu on the back of one of my shirts. I have a couple of other shirts, but it's the only one where people, other Cerezo fans, say to me, why are you wearing that shirt? I'm like 'do you not have good memories of Kenyu? Because he was amazing for Cerezo.' All I have is good memories of him scoring a lot of goals to help Cerezo finish 3rd and win a cup. But still, people yeah, like you say, they don't like him. And I think ego is probably the number one. I think also in Osaka he's maybe seen like a bit of a 'yankee,' I guess. So it seems like one of those things where a player's got this image and he just can't break free of it. He had one great season. Could never live up to those expectations again. That happens to a lot of players. He's not the only one to do that.


Tommy: 13:06
That's strange.


Tommy: 13:56
Interesting, this week Kenyu comes back Cerezo as well with Yokohama F Marinos, so I'm curious to see the reaction he gets.


Tommy: 14:10
He'll probably score.

My third one is the six-second rule. Goalkeepers have to release the ball within 6 seconds. We spoke about this recently on the Timing episode. This one, I just don't understand how a referee cannot count to six and say, 'yep, indirect free kick.' It's so simple to fix and it actually would have a big impact on a match, I think.


Tommy: 14:41
Yeah. Of all the things that we could fix in football, hard versus easy, this one is super easy and it annoys me every time.


Tommy: 14:58
Yep. Your third one?


Tommy: 15:25
Yeah, I totally understand this. Or for example, focusing on the coach for like 15** seconds. We don't want to watch the coach. We want to watch the match.



Tommy: 16:48
They're playing football. Of course they're running.


Tommy: 16:55
That's a good one, too. I like that. I like that. That reminds me. So I went to the match last night. Japan against Colombia. We've done Penetrate, we've spoken about bad English...The JFA's new slogan. I think in Japanese it was, 夢の勇気. In English, they say, 'Courage for Dream.' So, yuuki, courage, yume dream, but it should be 'Courage to Dream', not 'Courage for Dream.' It's a really small but crucial...all you need to do is show that to a native English speaker, which the JFA could definitely do. And any native English speaker would say, "yeah, no, it should be Courage to Dream.”


Tommy: 17:40
Right. Yeah. It's a tough point. Any native speaker would tell you, 'no, Courage to Dream.'

難しいよね、外国人の人にとってさ、「私が」とか「私は」の差がすごい難しいように、僕ら日本人にとっては、前置詞のto とforはすごく難しい。

Tommy: 17:49
Exactly. Yeah. Very difficult. But for an organisation as big as the JFA, it just looks bad. An international-facing organisation, too, it's not just Japanese people that look at it. So that one annoyed me last night.



Tommy: 18:32
Ah, yeah, I could I could make a lot of money fixing those slogans, I think.

I've got a couple of other pet peeves. I did a search on the Internet to see what other people don't like about football, so I thought we'd just quickly read out a few of them. Actually, one more that I had, which I was kind of confused...should have been my number three is: player interviews. In English, this is, players say "obviously" or "literally" a lot. So, for example, "yeah, obviously, it was a tough match." "Yeah, obviously I wanted to score." They use 'obviously' a lot. And literally, literally is a really interesting word that so many native English speakers get wrong. Literally means something actually happened. So, for example, "yeah, I was literally on fire today." It means I played well, but if you say 'literally on fire', it means you were on fire, like you actually had flames on you. So many native English speakers get that wrong and in player interviews, I hear that a lot, so that annoys me.

口癖だよね。literally, 文字通り という感じで使ってるけど。

Tommy: 19:34
Literally. Yeah, that's right. 文字通り exactly, yes. Some other ones that I came up on, my search, goalkeepers being protected by referees, always getting a foul.


Tommy: 19:50
That's right. Defenders raising their arms for offside. "Instead of raising your arm, just defend," was one of the comments I saw.


Tommy: 20:05
Yes. I would say...that's more than a pet peeve. That's an actual problem with the game, I think. Yeah, that's an important one.


Tommy: 20:15
Yeah, definitely. Bookings for taking off your shirt when you're celebrating a goal. Who cares? What's the difference between taking off your shirt and, like, I don't know, running and jumping like Ronaldo does? It's just a celebration. Does it matter? I don't understand that one.


Tommy: 20:37
Yes, we would love to hear...send in your pet peeves. We'd love to hear what annoys you about football. This isn't trying to be negative about football. I think it's just...these things, in everyday life, we all have these pet peeves that kind of they're not that important, but they still just annoy you a little bit.

So, yeah, please send us some and we'll read out next week. Speaking of comments, let's read out a couple that we got over the last couple of weeks. Would you like to start with the Japanese one?

カフェインレスのラテさんからいただいております。 トモさんとトミーさん、こんにちは。いつも楽しみながら聞いています。前回の怪我についてのコメントです。私自身、怪我なくプレーをしてきましたが、メンタルの怪我に関しては共感できます。サッカーとのスケジュールのすり合わせ、チーム等のスケジュールのことについても考えるサッカーでは、メンタルに来るもの応えるものがあると思います。こういった人間関係が社会性を強くするんですが、その反面、それに耐えられない人もいると思います。サッカーと英語を題している番組ですが、InjuriesはFAのみならず、JFA、高体連、大学サッカーの方々など、サッカーに携わる皆様が聞いてほしい回だと思いました。いろんな視点を今日提供してくれてありがとうございます。


Tommy: 21:55
Thank you very much.


Tommy: 22:08
Yeah and to continue that kind of theme, we got a comment from Shoko-san, who's been a guest on the show before.

Tommy: 22:15
Hi, Tommy and Tomo. Thanks for sharing your insights and shining a light on this very important topic, injuries. At FIFPRO, we recently conducted a survey with the players that participated in the World Cup in Qatar, and more than half of the respondents, 53%, reported they had suffered an injury or felt more likely to suffer an injury this season due to the intense calendar. I think we need to seriously ask ourselves, is it really worth adding more competitions and more matches at the expense of the players' careers and physical and mental well-being? They are not robots after all. Unless we improve the calendar to ensure that players get a fixed number of days off, I'm afraid we'll see more injuries and more players like Varane retiring from international duty because the workload is too intense.

Tommy: 22:57
Yeah, amazing comment.

Very official!

Tommy: 22:59
Yes. But official like this is from the players. FIFPRO is the voice of the players and 53% of them say they need more time off. Yeah, very important. So thank you, Shoko-san, for sharing that.


Tommy: 23:33
Yeah, very difficult. So thank you, Latte-san and Shoko-san, for those two comments. Very good. And we got one other not related to injuries from Taku-san.

Hello. I'm a listener from the US. Your podcast is perfect not only for studying English but also for getting deeper insight into football culture. My favourite episode is 'On-field Communication' because I was struggling to catch what other players said during the game when I played football. After learning a few phrases in the episode, I was more involved in the game. By the way, I have a request on a topic. Please talk about soccer in the US. I sense soccer is getting more and more popular in the US. Ted Lasso and Welcome to Wrexham are good examples. Also, Apple TV began streaming Major League Soccer matches this season. However, the MLS differs from other professional soccer leagues in several ways. It would be great to hear about US soccer from your perspective.


Tommy: 24:23
Yes, not too bad. I know, as I've said on a few podcasts, I lived in Toronto, so I had a season ticket for Toronto FC for a few years. So I think this is a great thing, actually. Yes, I would love to cover the MLS, because it is a very unique league with a very interesting kind of structure. So we should add this to our list.

僕が行ってみたいなと思ってるのはLAかな?LAFC の試合がすごいい盛り上がっていて。黒いユニフォームに金がちょっと入ってると思うんだけど、SHUKYUマガジンで特集しててそれを読んでいて、かっこいいな。行ってみたいなと思う。

Tommy: 25:03
Do you know what the Derby is called? LA Galaxy v LAFC?


Tommy: 25:08
So in Spain, Real Madrid v Barcelona is 'El Classico.' In Los Angeles. It's 'El Traffico.' Traffic meaning Jutai.

El Traffico. いいね THE 渋滞.

Tommy: 25:21
It's a great name. The Jutai Derby. Taku-san, thank you very much. That's amazing to know that the 'On-field Communication' episode helped with some football phrases for you. So that's really good. Thank you very much for letting us know.


Tommy: 26:06
And speaking of April, we've got a bit more news about our upcoming event in Tokyo. Tomo, would you like to talk a little bit about it?




Tommy: 28:11
On our website, if you jump on there'll be a link on the homepage.


Tommy: 28:23
So on the website, you'll be able to reserve a ticket and then on the night, you can pay the money when you arrive.


Tommy: 28:34
So jump on the website, get your reservation in and we'll see you in Tokyo in a couple of weeks. It's only two weeks away, so yeah, not far. All right, thank you very much, as always, for listening. Please let us your pet peeves about football, even outside of football. No problem. Send in comments. We'd love to hear from you. Thank you very much.

皆様からのお便りお待ちしております。あなたをサッカーでイライラさせるもの、What’s your Pet peeves ぜひともメッセージお待ちしております。サッカーと英語ポッドキャストを調べていただけると、我々のページが上の方に出てきます。各回の放送の下の方にコメントできますので、そちらからお便りお待ちしております。それではまた来週です。Bye for now.

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