Season 3 Episode 33


We all know the buzz you get when seeing your team play at home or the thrill of visiting a ground for the first time.
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Episode Notes



  1. Capacity - the total amount that can be contained or produced
    "The capacity of Old Trafford is over 75,000."

  2. Aesthetic - relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty
    ”The stadium is aesthetically pleasing with its sleek lines and modern architecture.”

  3. Kop - a name or term for single-tier terraces The most famous is Liverpool or Borussia Dortmund, but Tottenham, Leeds, Leicester, and a number of other teams also have one.

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Tommy - 00:03
We all know the buzz you get when seeing your team play at home or the thrill of visiting a new ground for the first time. The stadium is one of the most important parts of the match-going experience. No one likes watching football separated by a running track, and the atmosphere is often what separates watching a match live from watching on TV. In this episode, we're discussing the good and bad of football stadiums.




Tommy - 01:55
The first word, probably the most important word when talking about stadiums, is capacity. Capacity is "the total amount that can be contained or produced." So the capacity of a stadium.

収容人数です。 マンユナイテッドは7万5000人、結構多いですね。一番小さかったのはボーンマスのバイタリティスタジアム。1万1364人。そういうときにキャパシティを使います。集客率も結構大事かなと思うんですけど、プレミアリーグで調べてたら21/22シーズンは380試合のうち、平均観客動員率が97パーでほぼ埋まってるのがね、プレミアの一番の魅力かなと思いますね。コロナ前のJリーグは、川崎が一番高くて86パー、松本が85パー、湘南が83パーでした。

Tommy - 02:50
The second word is aesthetic. "Relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty." Aesthetic is a tough word to say. It's spelt A-E-S-T-H-E-T-I-C aesthetic.


Tommy - 03:05
Yeah. An example would be "the stadium is aesthetically pleasing with its sleek lines and modern architecture."


Tommy - 03:20
Yep, exactly. You'd use that fairly commonly in English, I think. "It has a nice aesthetic", means it looks nice. Something like that. And the third word is "kop", the name for a single-tier terrace in a football stadium. The most famous kop is, of course, Liverpool. Borussia Dortmund would also be up there, but Tottenham, Leeds, Leicester and a number of other clubs have one. I think there's a common misconception that a kop is the Liverpool end only. But no, a kop is just any stand that has one tier.


Tommy - 04:03
Importantly, it has one tier, though. It can't have two tiers. Only one tier.

ティアも日本の人には、馴染みがないのかなと思うんですけど、ティアは日本語にすると階層みたいな感じかな。UPPER, LOWER TIERみたいな感じで呼んでます。あとゴール裏は結構名前がついてること多いよね、クロックエンドとかEndってついたりとか。

Tommy - 04:26
Yeah, it depends on the stadium.


Tommy - 04:32
A lot of them will be because of streets that the stadium, that stand is on. So at Tottenham, it used to be Park Lane, because that was the name of the road. Yeah, those kind of differ per stadium. But a kop is universal across all stadiums.

Tommy - 04:48
So we wanted to do, similar to what we did last week, where we picked three things and we don't tell each other. First of all, we picked our three favourite stadiums and we're going to compare and see. I don't think we're going to have the same stadium, but it'll be interesting to see what you chose. So what was your first stadium? Your favourite stadium?


Tommy - 05:14
Okay, I'm glad you said that. So I wanted to introduce right now an app that can make this easier.


Tommy - 05:20
There's an app called Futbology. F-U-T-B-O-L-O-G-Y futbology. It's where you can put in all of the matches you've been to.


Tommy - 05:32
That's right, but it counts the stadiums as well.


Tommy - 05:37
Sorry, I should have told you beforehand.

自分で数えていくときに。大体ですけど、日本国内は40、イギリスは40、イタリア20ぐらい、ヨーロッパ他のところは20スタジアム。ワールドカップは七、八ぐらいで。全部で150ぐらいのスタジアムは行ってるかなと。試合を見てなくても、ただ見に行ってスタジアムツアーみたいなも参加している。この数字は、ファンからすると、アウェーの人はいろんなスタジアム行くから実際に多いのかどうかわかんないんですけど。 自分の経験を振り返りながらやってみました。選ぶときに、何を思い出したかっていうとスタジアムに入る瞬間、入っていくときにピッチが見えてきて、ワクワクする感じ。試合の雰囲気を作り出してるのは何だろう?ファンの声で試合の展開が動いていくことは自分の中でよく覚えてるなと。実際のスタジアムの大きさより一体感が大事だなと思ったので、それを基準に選んでみました。


Tommy - 06:51
Old Trafford, okay.


Tommy - 07:22
Yeah, that's interesting. Okay, so I'm glad you kind of talked about your criteria for picking a best stadium because I think that's very important. Everyone has a different kind of thing that they're looking for in a stadium. I've been to, according to this app, 57stadiums. So yours is -- you've been to a lot. I've probably been to a few more that aren't in this app, but, yeah, I'd say roughly 60 to 70 stadiums in my life. But I couldn't say any one particularly stands out. And I think I'm also limited by the fact that I'm a just crazy Tottenham fan. I can't go somewhere like the Emirates Stadium or Etihad Stadium, and that's my favourite stadium, just because, I don't know, it just feels weird for me. There's only one possible favourite stadium for me, and that's White Hart Lane.

Yeah. I mean, it's like a Catholic person going to church every week. That's like your home, almost, your second home. So it has to be White Hart Lane. I haven't been to the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium yet. I imagine that will probably become my favourite soon, but yeah, for now it has to be White Hart Lane. I've got so many memories there of seeing matches with my friends, seeing matches with my dad.


Tommy - 09:09
Yeah, I think White Hart Lane had some really unique kind of parts to it. You were very close to the field. It was a stadium built in four stages, but everything fit. It was like a perfect -- it looked like it had been built at the same time. It had that old-fashioned kind of charm. But still, yeah, great atmosphere and I think there's probably a lot of non-Tottenham fans who would agree that White Hart Lane was a great stadium.


Tommy - 09:42
Yeah, I don't think anyone likes the new one. Okay, your number two favourite stadium.

僕の二つ目は松本山雅、サンプロ アルウィンのスタジアムです。J1にいたときに、FC東京とのゲームで0対0の試合だったんですけど、非常に雰囲気が良かった。駅から遠いところね、ん~っとなったけど。それでも雰囲気は、最高でしたね、山が綺麗で、自然の中にスタジアムがあって、その中で緑のサポーターが一体感がすごいあった。スタジアム全体、ゴール裏だけじゃなくて、普通のスタンド側の人も試合に入ってる感じがしたし、なんかすごい文化育ってるなってふうに思った。非常に良くて記憶に残ってますね。

Tommy - 10:33
Interesting, I've not been there before. I have to add that to my list.


Tommy - 10:41
My second one is Loftus Road. QPR's home ground. Fulham have played there, too. Very similar to White Hart Lane. Old-fashioned, really tight, really compact stadium. Just that feeling that you're in a lower-league football stadium in England, a cold Saturday afternoon. It's getting dark at 03:00p.m. Yeah, it's just like a really bad kind of experience, but that's what makes it good.


Tommy - 11:25
But it's also a really easy stadium to get to. I think there's about three or four tube stops. There's loads of buses. It's an easy part to get to in London. Whereas White Hart Lane, Tottenham, is really quite difficult.


Tommy - 11:52

3つ目はこれは初めて外国のスタジアムで見たスタジアム試合なんですけど、スタディオデッレアルピですね。ユベントスの昔のスタジアム。めっちゃみんなに嫌われてて、今のスタジアムが素晴らしいんだけど。8万5000人ぐらい入ってて、当時、ユベントスとミランの試合を見たと思う。なんだこれは?っていう衝撃を12歳の僕が受けて、ここで何かサッカーのことを学びたいと思った。怖かったですね、イタリアは今でも治安がスタジアム良くなくて怖い思いをして、スタジアムにどんどん入ってくるし、チケット持ってない人が。なんだこの人たちはっていう経験もあったけど、当時やっぱりイタリアが一番華があったし、僕にとっては忘れられなかったですね。そこにデルピエロとかジダンがいて、かっこいいなっていうふうには思った。その狂気みたいなのがやっぱりイタリアのスタジアム、ナポリとか見るとさ、今もある。スタディオ オリンピコかな。ローマダービーを見ても思った。イタリアのスタジアムはやばいけど、あの当時のスタジアムの雰囲気は自分にとって忘れがたいものですね。

Tommy - 13:09
Yeah, well, I think that intimidating atmosphere can have a really big impact, too. And, yeah, it's scary at the time, but it sticks with you as you got out of there safely, so it actually has a good impact on you, maybe. I've not been to an Italian football stadium, actually. I'd love to go and see a match over there one day.

Tommy - 13:28
My number three is Borussia Park, Borussia Monchengladbach's Stadium in Germany.


Tommy - 13:31
I don't know why, actually. It's hard to explain. I just had a great experience there. I went to see Australia, play Germany in just a friendly. I travelled from London to Cologne and then from Cologne to Dusseldorf, met some people I knew, and then got a cab down the Autobahn, which is the highway with no speed limit. So you're just flying!

So the whole kind of experience was just amazing. The stadium was really nice. I had a great German sausage, a German beer. I was sat next to the media area, so I had a great view. It was a really good atmosphere. Australia won the match, they beat Germany in Germany. It was just one of those great experiences of something that you don't really have any expectations for, I guess. You're just going to watch a football match and yeah, come out -- that was, what, ten years ago? More than ten years ago. And still I would love to go back there.


Tommy - 14:32
Okay, so those are our favourite ones. What are the three that you want to visit?


Tommy - 15:01
Interesting. Okay. You chose Ibrox, not Celtic Park, though?


Tommy - 15:14
Okay, fair enough. You just want to be different.

Okay. Yeah, that's good. My number one is St James's Park in Newcastle. I'd love to go and see a match up there.


Tommy - 15:29
Yeah, and the away fans are right up the top, you're kind of miles away. But yeah, I'd love to go and see a Spurs match up there. My second one, actually, we've matched up: La Bombanera. That was my number two. I want to see Boca Juniors play there.


Tommy - 15:50
That would be pretty cool. My number three is Shiranami Stadium in Kagoshima. I want to go there while Sakurajima's erupting would be a cool site.


Tommy - 16:10
Exactly. Yeah, so that's where, as I said before, I'm limited by...I'll only go to see my teams, basically. I might see another game if I'm in that area, but typically I'll only travel to watch the team that I like. So, yes, I need Kagoshima...maybe in the cup?

面白いよね、そういうサッカー好きの人たくさんいると思う。モチベーションが、Watching football games で、あとツーリズムやってる人は世の中にたくさんいると思いますね。

Tommy - 16:40
That's why I came to Japan for the first time. I came to see Sydney FC against Kashima in 2011. That was the first time I ever visited Japan. So, yes, football tourism is a thing!



Tommy - 17:21
Sapporo one, right?


Tommy - 17:28
That looks amazing. I really want to go.


Tommy - 17:38
I went to Yankee Stadium last year. I went to the old Yankee Stadium in 2006** as well. That was a cool experience.


Tommy - 17:49
Very different. And American and Japanese baseball, are also very different.

Okay, so let's move on to...I have a quiz for you.


Tommy - 18:01
It's a very difficult quiz. It's kind of very difficult quiz.

あれじゃないの? The biggest stadium in UKとかじゃないの?

Tommy - 18:10
Yes, that's my first question! Well, actually, let's first list the top five stadiums by capacity in the Premier League. So Old Trafford is number one. Tottenham Hotspur is number two. The Olympic stadium - West Ham - is number three. Emirates - Arsenal is four. Number five is Etihad Stadium - Manchester City. What is the only non-Premier League team in the top ten?


Tommy - 18:48
So the other ones in the top ten include Anfield St. James's Park, Villa Park. There's one, it's number eight on the list. They're not in the Premier League.


Tommy - 19:02
No...good guess!


Tommy - 19:07
Bow bow.Would you like a hint? They play in red and white stripes.


Tommy - 19:17
That's right. Sunderland. Yes.


Tommy - 19:22
It's a good question. I think, like, 40,000. Yeah, it's very difficult. But I thought that was very interesting, that Sunderland, that shows just the popularity of football in that area. That they're in League One, they don't sell out anymore, but...


Tommy - 19:52
What's the most recently open stadium in the Premier League?


Tommy - 19:58
Ohhh good! I thought you might say Tottenham there, but that's right. The GTech Stadium, Brentford. That was opened during COVID.


Tommy - 20:07
The oldest Premier League ground currently in use?


Tommy - 20:16
Okay, so that's a good guess. It's incorrect. The oldest current ground in use is Stamford Bridge.

However, this is slightly confusing. The first purpose-built football stadium was Goodison Park. So Stamford Bridge wasn't a stadium for a while, I guess. It was just a field. And then Goodison Park - Everton - was built first. Yeah, that was my last question, but you kind of got the answer, so well done. Tough quiz again.


Tommy - 20:53
Very difficult.

So, since the Premier League came in, there's been a lot of stadiums rebuilt. So, since 1992, Tottenham, Brentford, West Ham, Brighton, Cardiff, Arsenal, Swansea, Manchester City, Leicester, Hull, Southampton, Wigan, Reading, Stoke, Derby, Sunderland, Bolton, Middlesbrough, Huddersfield have all moved stadiums, which is quite a lot for 30*years. That's 19 teams.


Tommy - 21:40
They've had big problems trying to expand the stadium because of the river, and they don't have much land around there. So, yeah, it's tough for them, but, yeah, there's a few teams currently looking at moving or building a new stadium. Everton, Chelsea, Liverpool are expanding Anfield, Manchester United fans have been complaining about Old Trafford for a while, that it needs to be fixed. I think we'll see a lot more stadiums be built and upgraded over the next few years.


Tommy - 22:49
Yeah, and Tottenham are taking that even further by having the NFL play at the stadium. They've got concerts. Beyonce is doing, like, four shows there soon. Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Guns n Roses. There's been some massive concerts. They also have just signed a deal with Formula One. There's now a go-kart track in the stadium. And the thing that I want to do most of all is the SkyWalk, it's called.


Tommy - 23:16
That's right, you walk on the roof of the stadium. The problem with a stadium is it's only used maybe once every two weeks. Once a week sometimes. That's a lot of time - like 340 days of the year where it's not used. Clubs are starting to get clever. How else can we make money from this amazing piece of land we've got?


Tommy - 24:03
There's a couple of other grounds that I was kind of thinking about adding to my list that I just thought I'd mention quickly as grounds that I like. The Noevir Stadium, Kobe. I really like that one. It's an amazing atmosphere in there, but terrible to get away from after the match.


Tommy - 24:20
Yeah, as we discovered last year when we went together. And also Nihondaira in Shizuoka. Just...Fuji-san, it's just beautiful. So, yeah, those are the other two grounds that nearly made it to my list.


Tommy - 24:57
Oh yeah, Wembley is another really tough one to get away from.


Tommy - 25:03
Yeah, Wembley's crazy. 国立 is a nice stadium, but there's two complaints: obviously the running track. So annoying. And the seats in front of you were so close. My knees were smashing against it. So it was very, very tight for me.


Tommy - 26:08
I'm looking forward to seeing Hiroshima's Stadium next year.


Tommy - 26:19
Whilst we're speaking about some of the things we don't like as well. The worst stadium I've ever been to, I believe in the world. Or maybe my expectations were high and that's why I really don't like it. Nissan Stadium in Yokohama.


Tommy - 26:35
That's a terrible stadium! How is that used for the World Cup final?


Tommy - 26:51
It's terrible. And it's also it's reasonably far from the station. It's not super close. I was really surprised at how bad that was.


Tommy - 27:03
Maybe yeah. A stadium used for a World Cup Final. You go there thinking, oh, this is going to be amazing. So, yeah, I was disappointed.


Tommy - 27:22
Another one I'll quickly mention is Gamba's Stadium. Amazing stadium inside, pretty ugly from the outside, and also just terrible to get to.


Tommy - 27:32
Miles away. Yeah. And I'm going to Kyoto tonight to watch Cerezo. That's another great little stadium. Sanga stadium. They've done very well there.

Alrighty, that's enough about stadiums. Let's jump into some of the comments we've received. Tomo, would you mind reading?

シュウヘイさんからお便りいただいております。トミーさん、トモさん初めまして。シュヘイと申します。アメリカの大学院進学を目指し勉強している中で見つけたお2人のポッドキャスト、サッカー好きの自分としては最高のポッドキャストです。 モチベーションの面でもありがたく、毎回の配信に感謝して楽しんでます。Webサイトを見たんですが、なんとトランスクリプトを全文で文字起こししていただけることに気づきました。まだまだ英語の全文を聞き取れない段階の自分としては、英語学習の面で本当にありがたいです。いつも大変なお仕事本当にありがとうございます。実は文字起こしの部分、今後、サブスクでできないかっていうのを検討。今ずっと試験的にやってるので、今後はこの喋ってるのは無料で聞いていただいて、文字起こしのところはサブスク化、有料化できないかっていうのを挑戦しているところで、今は無料で見れますのでぜひ皆さん、Webサイトでみてください。




Tommy - 29:36
Yeah, this is great. This is great timing because I was at Yokohama F Marinos against Cerezo last week and Mizunuma Kota came back to Cerezo. He was taking a corner. He got booed. I couldn't believe it, actually, how much booing Cerezo fans were doing. But then after the match, he came out and everyone clapped him and said, thank you. And I thought 'that's so weird!' So weird that you'd boo him during the match but then clap him afterwards? I can kind of understand it, but it's just different. So, what I thought we could do, maybe for a future episode is cultural differences between Japanese football and, for example, English football. Because this is one big one.

ファンカルチャー、移籍した選手に対してどう思うか 個サポの話を覚えてる?個人を応援するみたいな。あの話は掘りがいがありそうですね。

Tommy - 30:30
So we could probably do something there. But yes. Let's add that to our list. Thank you very much, Shuhei-san.


Tommy - 30:47
Yeah, that's true. Yes.


Tommy - 31:24
It sounds like you! You've complained about WOWOW for a long time!


Tommy - 31:37
I think the pet peeve here would be you need four different services to watch football in Japan. DAZN, SpotTV, Abema, WOWOW. That would be my pet peeve out of this for sure.


Tommy - 32:03
That's right. And that's why people watch illegal football because it's so much easier. These companies make it too difficult to give them money. Just make it easy and I'll pay for it.


Tommy - 32:15
Ha ha yes, we've missed out on that opportunity. Thank you very much, Yoichiro-san. Thank you very much, Shohei-san. We appreciate your comments. If you have any comments, feedback, questions, anything, we'd love to hear from you. Also, we've only got a week until our event in Tokyo. We've only mentioned it once. It's coming around very quickly. Jump on the website, go and register. We'd love to see you there. Come and join us for an interesting live show we'll do in Tokyo.

4月14日金曜日の夜に公開収録を2人でやろうと思ってます。東京の千駄ヶ谷という駅で行うので、Webサイトから応募できますので、ぜひともそちらから皆様からのご予約お待ちしております。 お願いします!遊びに来てください。

Tommy - 33:24
Get involved, we'd love to see you. Thank you very much, as always, for listening. We'll see you again next time.

皆様からのお便りお待ちしております。ウェブサイトでサッカーと英語、ポッドキャストと調べていただけると、僕たちのページ上の方に出てきます。各回の放送のところの下の部分にいくとコメントできますので、そちらからお便りお待ちております。それではまた来週です。Bye for now.

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